ERROR contact:chore pingSatellites failed - followup

Ok, this is getting worse, so in desperation I changed my startup config to point directly at the local IP of this computer, now it looks like so:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 28967:28967 \
    -p 14002:14002 \
    -e WALLET="0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
    -e EMAIL="" \
    -e ADDRESS="" \
    -e BANDWIDTH="100TB" \
    -e STORAGE="1.0TB" \
    -v "/media/subwolf/Games/storj/identity/storagenode":/app/identity \
    -v "/media/subwolf/Games/storj/store":/app/config \
    --name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:alpha

Now I see:

2019-10-28T07:19:06.945Z        INFO    version running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-28T07:29:07.574Z        ERROR   contact:chore   pingSatellites failed   {"error": "rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"}
2019-10-28T07:34:06.935Z        INFO    version running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-28T07:49:06.940Z        INFO    version running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-28T08:04:06.945Z        INFO    version running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-28T08:19:06.493Z        INFO    bandwidth       Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2019-10-28T08:19:06.936Z        INFO    version running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-28T08:29:07.548Z        ERROR   contact:chore   pingSatellites failed   {"error": "rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing"}

If I check netstat:

root@subwolf-tk:~$ netstat -a | grep 28967
tcp6       0      0 [::]:28967              [::]:*                  LISTEN     
root@subwolf-tk:~$ telnet 28967
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

This is on my home PC which is up 24/7 with fibre and unlimited data from my ISP. I have a server running the same version just fine but it is not behind NAT.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Error : contact:chore pingSatellites failed follow-up