Error creating tables for master database on storagenode: migrate: creating version table failed: migrate: database disk image is malformed

Got this Error after update

2019-12-18T17:06:55.644Z e[34mINFOe[0m version running on version v0.28.2

2019-12-18T17:06:55.653Z e[31mFATALe[0m Unrecoverable error {“error”: “Error creating tables for master database on storagenode: migrate: creating version table failed: migrate: database disk image is malformed\n\*Migration).Run:144\n\*DB).CreateTables:289\n\tmain.cmdRun:186\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\tmain.main:315\n\truntime.main:203”, “errorVerbose”: “Error creating tables for master database on storagenode: migrate: creating version table failed: migrate: database disk image is malformed\n\*Migration).Run:144\n\*DB).CreateTables:289\n\tmain.cmdRun:186\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\tmain.main:315\n\truntime.main:203\n\tmain.cmdRun:188\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:826\n\*Command).ExecuteC:914\n\*Command).Execute:864\n\\n\tmain.main:315\n\truntime.main:203”}

That looks like the storage node doesn’t have access to the SQLite DBs.

Mh before the update i got no traffic for 2 Weeks
can i reinstall my docker container without data loss?
Broken sql database maybe:thinking:

What do you mean?
You already did that when updated the node.

If you want to start from scratch - you should create a new identity, request the authorization token to sign it and start with empty data storage. But in this case you will lose a held amount of your current node.

Please, check all your databases with this article:

Ive try this before, but i got many fails.
I think ive corrupt databases + other files, a few weeks ago i had power blackout.
I bought a good ups :sweat_smile:
ive complete reinstall the node, but with old identity.
I read that i can setup multiple nodes with same identity, why should i create a new one. :thinking:

Nowhere did we state that you could run multiple nodes on the same Identity! Every node has to have its own identity. If you are now running more than one node simultaneously on the same identity, both will get disqualified in short order. What you probably read and unfortunately malinterpreted is that you can run multiple nodes on the same machine and IP now.

Also, if your old node had a corrupted database which you were unable to fix, then you should not start another node with the same identity again. It will get disqualified also. Please just start from scratch with a new identity.

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I will only add in this bit.
As @heunland states you need a new identity for every node and you can run multiple node from same ip.

You can use the same mail now.
When your new node is started and working you can get a new node invite with same mailaddress

Ok i create a new identity, can i use different ports to use more then one node with one Ip?


Add a new port in your router and in docker on port setting you add the new port number followed by :28967. So *****:28967

ok so it doesn’t matter which port you use e.g. from 28968(Router, external Port) -> 28967 (Docker)

I think you can use any incoming port as you wish