Error Download the Identity Binary


Im trying to download the Ident binary for first time on my windows server 2012 in powershell as administrator, and get this error:

anny advice?

According to the log, try -OutFile instead of -o

Dunno why this curl not like -o flag.

-Outfile work great, but got a new error: WS2012 dont recongnize “Expand-Archive”

i did try it on my win10 and it works, but on my server i get the problem in the picture below.
Is there anny other command for “Expand-Archive” that does the same thing?

Well, seem the command does not exist in such windows server :upside_down_face:.
Maybe an old not updated OS version, try to unzip using some tools like 7zip or if you have GUI access use the system itself.


I did unzip it and put it in same folderstrutture as on my win10 computer. Doing that install at same time. Works so far on both machine, now creating identity, next is authorize identity!

ZBS u got discord if i have a few more questions?

You likely will need to upgrade PowerShell anyway, many instructions expect PowerShell not less than 5.1
