I want install storagenode on my raspberry connect to external disk.
I have install docker, no ip … without problem.
I have create my keys identity associed with my email address.
But when i start my docker i have error message :
Invalid configuration. {“error”: “operator wallet address isn’t valid”}
Error: operator wallet address isn’t valid.
My key and email are good.
Anyone have a idea ? Maybe i need to recreate my keys ?
Welcome @Mysteres
What the others said, please share your docker run command so we can help you spot what’s wrong.
This said, you may want to anonymise personal info (especially your email address and domain name, and we usually suggest anonymizing the wallet address too but because that’s the issue maybe you could only anonymise the middle part of it) before posting the command here.
Please, check, have you specified something in the config.yaml? If so, please make the wallet string empty there (just "") and save the config, then restart the node.
Also, make sure that you do not have spaces in the WALLET option.
Please, revert values in the config file which you edited. All these options for the docker version are specified in the docker run command, they have a precedence above parameters in the config.yaml, but if you specified them wrong - the node will fail to start before the possibility to take parameters from the command line.
This is especially true if you used some word processor to edit this file - it could corrupt the config.
To edit a config file you must use only plain text editor.
Because right now I see at least curly quotes instead of straight ones.
Please, put the code or content of configs in your message between two new lines with three backticks (such ones: ```), this will show the pretty formatting.
Maybe would be simpler to rename this config and re-generate config with the setup step (only on that time!)
I have delete and recreate yaml files.
restart with docker command. It’s always the same.
When i had edit file, i was used “texte editor” software in raspberry.
I had try on my server and i have same problem like my raspberry.
Yes, it’s my public address. I have none problem for access at my public address with domotic, donwload softwares…
Edit: i have try to recreate a new certificat with other email address. I have always the same probleme.
Could you show again your docker run command with another example of a real ETH address?
Do not use your own but use a real one (that you will leave after). This is just to make sure you are setting it properly without compromising your privacy.
Seems you also generated a new identity. If this is intentional, then you must remove old data too (because the identity will not accept it) and perform the setup step again: