Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint storage node

Hey All,
I received the message, upon a quick restart of my PC, when trying to start my node, “Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint storage node … : Error starting userland proxy … failed to start containers: storagenode”.

I looked at my log and the last two thing I saw were “ERROR piecestore protocol: rpc error: code = canceled desc = context canceled.”

Got a signal from the OS: terminated

I guess this means that my node was terminated? Since I don’t have much statistics I can’t troubleshoot/optimize the situation. It would be nice to be able to improve things on my end rather than be disqualified.
Kind Regards,

The “context canceled” is not really an error

The …terminated" is most likely from when you stopped the node and rebooted.

Stop and remove the container

docker stop -t 300 storagenode
docker rm storagenode

and run the complete start command docker run ...

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Restart docker from the task tray. That should fix this issue.

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Thank you BrightSilence. This worked. However, now since my node has been offline for 10 hours I’m pretty sure i’ll be disqualified! Ow well.

You won’t be. Right now disqualification for downtime is suspended, so your node should be just fine.