Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind"

Hello ALL,
Do you know, what can be reason of this mistake below? It happaned each 2-3 days. I tried reset to factory defaults, reinstallation of the docker, changing newer version fo docker, but same error.
Windows Server 2019, Docker

C:\Users\Администратор>docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p -p -p -e WALLET="0xE158e01cDb77F9f220d8359335Fe0b75799829AA" -e EMAIL="" -e ADDRESS="" -e STORAGE="1.81TB" --mount type=bind,source="H:\Identity\storagenode D1.7",destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source="H:\StorjD1.7",destination=/app/config --name storagenodeD1.7 storjlabs/storagenode:latest --operator.wallet-features="zksync-era"
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": stat /host_mnt/h/Identity/storagenode D1.7: input/output error.


How is the disk connected? If USB, then this might be the problem.


Also, I would suggest to avoid using spaces in the paths. However, it should work, if you really have a path "H:\Identity\storagenode D1.7" to your identity.
In the last case I would suggest to use ampersands ' instead of a quote ", if you executing this command from the PowerShell, for CMD it should work as is, though.

You mean “single quote”. That & is an ampersand.

I mean this symbol: '
What’s do you mean is called a “commercial AND” as far as I know though…

No, 5 drives connected to MB Sata

I will try. But it works same way on all other machines except this one. Can Server windows be the reason?

It could be, I cannot be sure. Usually it doesn’t matter.