Errors with ubuntu22

Good morning,

For a few days I have been having these errors, they are causing my I/O to go up and I don’t understand why.
I haven’t touched anything on this VM for 6 months…


This is a symptom of high I/O, not the cause. You need to find the cause.

Do you know how I could find the cause?

Looking at your logs (both host and VM) and monitoring to check if there are any obvious anomalies would be a great first step. Also, I would try to identify which parts of your setup (physical HDDs, all sorts of block devices like partitions/LVM/RAID, file systems, etc., again both on host and VM side) do observe high I/O, so that you can limit your investigation to just those components.

I don’t think it’s a problem with the hard drive because my other hard drives have the problem…

I noticed that these errors occur when the storagenode container increases my I/O, which arrives between 300% and 1000%…
During these heavy loads if I stop the container the I/O reaches a normal threshold. How can I check what the storagenode container is doing?

You may enable the debug port

and check the report

You may also use other endpoints such as