I am considering the installation of a device from this link into my home setup, which is based on an old 1-gen HP Microserver. My goal is to display various statistics.
Could anyone provide guidance on the commands needed to retrieve the following data from a Docker container from a storage node to stdout?
Current space usage
Available free space
Current month’s ingress and egress
Current month’s estimations
All-time earnings data
Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
import pylcddc.client as client
import pylcddc.widgets as widgets
import pylcddc.screen as screen
import requests,json,time,logging
from systemd import journal
# Set up logging to the systemd journal
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_data():
# Direct API calls to get the required data
#satellites = requests.get('http://localhost:14002/api/sno/satellites').json()
dashboard = requests.get('http://localhost:14002/api/sno/').json()
estimated_payout = requests.get('http://localhost:14002/api/sno/estimated-payout').json()
# Extract version_info directly from the dashboard call
version_info = dashboard['version']
# Parse the data to get bandwidth summary (Traffic) in bytes and current month expectations (EST) in dollars
#bandwidth_summary_bytes = satellites['bandwidthSummary']
bandwidth_summary_bytes = dashboard['bandwidth']['used']
est_dollars = estimated_payout['currentMonthExpectations'] / 100 # Adjusting to get a dollar value
# Convert traffic to a human-readable format
units = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB']
size = bandwidth_summary_bytes
for unit in units:
if size < 1024:
traffic = f"{size:.2f} {unit}"
size /= 1024
traffic = f"{size:.2f} {units[-1]}" # Handle extremely large numbers
# Format EST to display as currency with 2 decimal places
est = f"${est_dollars:.2f}"
return version_info, traffic, est
def update_display(c, version_info, traffic, est):
# Use version_info as the title for the screen
title_widget = widgets.Title('title_widget', f"Storj {version_info}")
# Calculate the total length of the traffic and EST strings
total_length = len(traffic) + len(est)
# Calculate the number of spaces needed to fill up the line to ensure EST is right-aligned
spaces_needed = 20 - total_length
# Ensure there is at least one space between the values if they are too long
if spaces_needed < 1:
spaces_needed = 1
# Combine traffic and EST into a single string with dynamic spacing
combined_info = f"{traffic}{' ' * spaces_needed}{est}"
# Create a single widget for the combined information
info_widget = widgets.String('info_widget', 1, 2, combined_info) # Assuming the title takes up the first line
main_scr = screen.Screen('main', [title_widget, info_widget])
# Attempt to update the screen in the client
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error updating display: {e}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize LCD client
c = client.Client('localhost', 13666)
title_widget = widgets.Title('title_widget', 'Init')
info_widget = widgets.String('info_widget', 1, 2, 'Loading...')
# Create a screen instance with the title and combined info widgets
main_scr = screen.Screen('main', [title_widget, info_widget])
while True:
# Fetch data including Traffic, EST values, and Version for title
version_info, traffic, est = get_data()
# Log the current time, traffic, and EST to the journal
current_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime())
logger.info(f'Current time: {current_time}, Traffic: {traffic}, EST: {est}')
# Update the display with the fetched data
update_display(c, version_info, traffic, est)
# Wait for 15 seconds before the next update
except KeyboardInterrupt: