Can’t start a new node, because of databases missed.
I’m moving databases to a different SSD and it’s empty in a directory.
I’ve made a following:
in config.yaml
storage2.database-dir: "dbs"
in primary setup command
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--mount type=bind,source="/var/storj/storagenode4/identity",destination=/app/identity \
--mount type=bind,source="/var/storj/storagenode4/data",destination=/app/config \
--name storagenode4 storjlabs/storagenode:latest
in startup command
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 \
-p 28967:28972/tcp \
-p 28967:28972/udp \
-p 14006:14002 \
-e ADDRESS="ZZZ:28972" \
-e STORAGE="10TB" \
--user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
--mount type=bind,source="/var/storj/storagenode4/identity",destination=/app/identity \
--mount type=bind,source="/var/storj/storagenode4/data",destination=/app/config \
--mount type=bind,source="/var/storj/db/storagenode4",destination=/app/dbs \
--log-opt max-size=50m \
--log-opt max-file=10 \
--name storagenode4 storjlabs/storagenode:latest
the Mount Point are
sdb 8:16 1 10.9T 0 disk /var/storj/storagenode4
nvme0n1 259:0 0 119.2G 0 disk /var/storj/db
all the Mount Point on /var/storj
- this directory created on a system disk.
getting the following output from logs:
INFO Configuration loaded {"Process": "storagenode", "Location": "/app/config/config.yaml"}
INFO Anonymized tracing enabled {"Process": "storagenode"}
INFO Operator email {"Process": "storagenode", "Address": "YYY@YYY.YYY"}
INFO Operator wallet {"Process": "storagenode", "Address": "XXX"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "info"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "bandwidth"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "orders"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "piece_expiration"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "pieceinfo"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "piece_spaced_used"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "reputation"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "storage_usage"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "used_serial"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "satellites"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "notifications"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "heldamount"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "pricing"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "secret"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "garbage_collection_filewalker_progress"}
INFO db database does not exist {"Process": "storagenode", "database": "used_space_per_prefix"}
INFO server kernel support for server-side tcp fast open remains disabled. {"Process": "storagenode"}
INFO server enable with: sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen=3 {"Process": "storagenode"}
INFO Telemetry enabled {"Process": "storagenode", "instance ID": "TTT"}
INFO Event collection enabled {"Process": "storagenode", "instance ID": "TTT"}
ERROR failure during run {"Process": "storagenode", "error": "Error migrating tables for database on storagenode: migrate: database: info opening fil
FATAL Unrecoverable error {"Process": "storagenode", "error": "Error migrating tables for database on storagenode: migrate: database: info opening fil
What I have made wrong? Please help.