Feb. 8 Update on SNO Payouts and High Ethereum Gas Prices

Yes I 100% agree…everything about this is unfortunate and it will drive SNOs away… The price of transactions will be impossible to do anything with at this point.


L2 only offers greatly reduced fees, so actually none of the problems I mentioned are solved by L2. We would go back to storjlabs paying $0.1 per tx and monthly payments and that’s it.
Not to mention lack of support. I would actually like to do something with my earnings, with L2 I have to hope that exchanges support it or pay a much higher L2->L1 withdrawal fee.

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Eh … and there is such a simple solution to exceed the payout threshold …

we ask Tardigrade for a larger, larger, huge amount of data :slight_smile:

L2 it’s a good thing but the problem as you already described is that at the moment, there’s no exchange supporting that, so at the end we will have tokens that we can’t do anything with them.

But i guess that’s better than what we have now.

And thats a thing they have to implement BEFORE they stop paying their SNOs …
Its pretty easy to say “we are holding your payments, please wait for our future solution in XX weeks”.

It makes me really sad to read all the disappointment. I think this decision and the insistence on it respectively the expansion of it will be more expensive (lost of trust, bad press) than the gas prices (which are high but there are some lows in between, are they?).
Very sad :frowning:


They don’t set the fee and the regular fee on the ethereum blockchain is $17+. Do you want to pay that out of your earnings?

You will have that option next month. Does that solve your problem?

Ok, lets go over them then.

SNOs would be able to choose when to move money from L2 to L1, when gas prices are low and thus determine the limit of what they want to pay for that.

SNOs can move tokens from L2 to an L1 address of an exchange in a single transaction.

Transaction costs for moving tokens from L2 to L1 can be paid in Storj (they’re still working on making this possible on mainnet)

There would be no withdrawal threshold anymore. And in fact there was a suggestion that more frequent payouts are even possible. The reason for this is that with zkSync Storj Labs isn’t paying per transaction, but per set of transactions. As a result the costs of transfers isn’t linear to the number of transfers. (If I understood it correctly)

It still isn’t entirely clear how much higher that fee is. But if Storj Labs would provide a small premium for choosing this option, that might well be worth it. I agree that this is still an open question, but I think I’ve shown how it would solve the other points you made.


But storjlabs still pay once a month so it’s not really different from what we have now.

Once again this is exactly what we have now.

There would be no threshold because there would be no withdrawals. Payment != withdrawal.

So SNO ends up paying the increased fee. In the end it’s the same, except fees can be paid with storj and withdrawal costs more.

Think of L2 to L1 as a withdrawal. Then it exactly matches what you described. You pay for that withdrawal when you want, you can do it directly to an exchange etc.

As I said, the payout frequency could be increased too. Storj Labs has already suggested this may be an option.

Plus L2 has the upside of the tokens being in your control prior to that “withdrawal” already.

Well it’s not withdrawal. L2 tokens sent to an address I have keys for are mine already. I could send them to an exchange supporting L2 and skip the L2->L1 withdrawal altogether.

Payout frequency could be increased, but it’s not a given. With proper withdrawal system payout frequency only depends on your will. You could withdraw three times a day if you wanted and could afford the fees.

I would like to propose something.

Why don’t you migrate part of the STORJ held in reserve to another blockchain with less fees and use that to pay those SNOs willing to accept it for the time being (or keep it indefinitely as another option of payment )

By migrate I guess you coud burn some amount of tokens in the Ethereum blockchain and mint the same amount in the alternative blockchain.

The alternative blockchain coud be Stellar, they are the equivalent to Ripple without all the problems and with very fast, very cheap transactions. Even some Stablecoins are live on the Stellar network. i.e USDC link

I don’t think it works like that. The new Tokens on the other chain have to be mined and that costs money. I don’t think you can find someone to buy 100+M STORJ tokens that no one will use anymore after moving.


Oh man As I stated in a other post wrap Storj to the Tezos blockchain to have happy SNOs. Ethereum failed

I like that you are offering SNOs a variety of options for payout, as we see people have a variety of perspectives that are different and valid.

As some others have said, I have no plans to convert my Storj to other currencies, my preference is that Storj holds onto my accumulated earnings until there is a low cost way of transferring the balance. IMO that would be less than 1% of the balance value. I believe in Storj and prefer to partner with you so that we both win and that Storj is not hit with excessive fees that have little benefit to either of us. I would be curious how many of us would prefer an option to just wait for a low cost solution. I realize that others prefer an immediate payout and I don’t object to that.


I also believe in Storj. However it is possible to wrap Storj and you can hold Storj on Tezos chain.

I think suggesting this again after that option has been declined several times has lost its usefulness. Storj Labs won’t switch blockchains again as clearly stated in every response to these suggestions as well as the stated commitment to the ethereum blockchain in the top post. Please refer back to those posts for the reasons why.

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As seen here


Maybe 99,999th time is the charm :slight_smile:

I think you misunderstood, I im not proposing that Storj Labs SWITCH blockchains and pay using other cryptocurrency, what i’m proposing is that they explore new blockchains for their token STORJ, and use them all. If they are not willing to even consider it, i think they are been too myopic.

By providing several alternatives the token will gain huge amount of exposure to the crypto world and will be in another level above any particular blockchain.

Would be nice if we can stack the StorJ tokens directly through the SNO panel and earn some interest on them.


10,243 active nodes, -332 during the last day
:open_mouth: many people leave storj network
never seen so many leave in 24 hours

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