Feb. 8 Update on SNO Payouts and High Ethereum Gas Prices

If you read the responses previously given you’d see they cover that as well.

You have no accurate way to get those numbers. And I assure you they aren’t accurate.

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So the information on https://storjnet.info/ is not accurate?

You are wrong. In Stellar in particular anybody can issue an IOU and it doesnt cost anything.

I’m still here and missed the vote i happy to wait until I reach the threshold not going away any time soon long hauler


It’s not. It’s an attempt by an independent party to make an estimation. But other than from satellites there is no way to get accurate numbers. And the only trusted satellites are hosted by Storj Labs. So they’re the only source for accurate numbers atm.

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you may be right but i have never seen so many nodes less in 24 hours since the start and i think a lot of people will stop their nodes because of payments

Even if using another blockchain you will be holding STORJ.
Think of the blockchain as a Highway, and the token as you car. You will be using the same car but in another Highway were the toll prices are lower.

Really? Never seen it huh?

Except for a similar dip earlier this month that instantly recovered? And many more…


IMHO let them leave more traffic for me

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Is there a way to see how much is pending?

No, but you can go into payout information and look at the estimation

This will be added in an upcoming update.

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TX fees are not deducted from the payout. You should verify the amount with the CLI payout estimator as the node might not be showing the actual amount if it hasn’t received the paystub from the satellites yet.

No Storj Labs pays the fees. Without more info I don’t know where the difference comes from. Maybe held amounts?

i thik difference came from Ether price sudden ups and down, as storj very much tight to ether.

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This transaction fee issue is getting ridiculous. Why not offer fiat payments at least in several countries? Happy to pay a 3% transaction fee and get paid in USD.

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Hello @oc149,
Welcome to the forum!

The wire transfers of USD are not possible for everyone in the world. In some countries it even illegal.
So, the token as a medium is a better fit for many countries.
You can also read this thread

Regarding ability to pay yourself the fee - this is what the L2 would give you - you will decide when you want withdraw your tokens and with what fee. This is also the answer on suggestion to have a configurable threshold like in mining pool.
The other way - is just wait when the threshold got reached.

There is one main point, missed by many of us - yes, it’s cool when you can receive the payout every month. But the real question - would we transfer them to exchange with such a crazy fee? I personally will think twice and maybe will wait for lower fee.
I personally sell them maybe once a year. So for me personally it doesn’t makes any difference - I would not sell them right after receiving anyway, especially with so high fee to transfer my funds to exchange it could eat up to 25% of my potential earning.
But I cannot suggest that of course, everyone have an own thoughts on that. I just wonder - do we (SNO) ever thinking about that?
If it’s about the trust - then you can see the prove on blockchain - the StorjLabs paying every month, but less transfers because of threshold:



I can understand the issue, of course we don’t want to pay more in fee’s than the value of the transfer, but there is one issue with holding back the tokens, what if the Storj token becomes a hundred times more valuable for a few weeks now and the drops down? Then our chance to trade them, is taken away form us…

Another issue, is that, if the value increases, we will be payed less tokens later, than we would have been “today”…

To tell you the truth, I realy belive in Storj and I truly love the project, but I’m not getting paid for an unknown periode of time, then I’m not sure what to think anymore. I do understand that we all in the same boat and this may only be an temporary issue, but just for putting it on the “outer edge”, would you go to work, if you didn’t get paid?


Goodmorning everyone,
I don’t understand, but the January payments have been released?
Because if so I have not received anything. I know about the minimum payout, but in total I’m about $ 60 payout across all my nodes, is there anything I’m missing?

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