Feedback Odriod HC2

Which one is “Frankenstein”?

For the one on Odroidhc2, could you give us some return of experience?

  • I understand that the HDD support is included. Could you confirm that nothing else is needed to plug an HDD?
  • Which OS did you install on top of it?
  • Did you have to adapt the installation process or did you just follow the standard one (based on Debian/Ubuntu)?
  • I know that 4GB is better for the Raspberry Pi. The Odroidhc2 is 2GB RAM, is it enough?
  • Do you follow the power consumption?
    - Based on official specs (the Odroidhc2 draws 12V / 2A), the Odroidhc2 should cost ~3€ each month if it is powered-on 24/7 (12 * 2 / 1000 * 0.17€ * 24 * 31 = 3.04€).
  • Does it seem reliable to you?

Thanks for your feedback!

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