File upload error

So, I was playing with the idea of backing up my 2TB Photos Library onto Storj DCS.
Wanted to see what the upload performance would be like with FileZilla pro using the Tardigrade connector.
Bucket duly created.

When I started the upload, multiple (but not all!) files gave me this error

Command: put /Volumes/Nibbler/Photos Library.photoslibrary/originals/9/916AE964-5123-4819-B6FB-2E634A147DB3.heic /photos/Photos Library.photoslibrary/originals/9/916AE964-5123-4819-B6FB-2E634A147DB3.heic
Error: upload failed: stream error: metainfo error: metainfo error: bucket name must contain only lowercase letters, numbers or hyphens
Error: File transfer failed

Obviously I am not messing with the bucket name so I don’t know why I have that error. Any thoughts?

Maybe this?

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Ah, sorry! I missed that thread entirely.
Thank you! :slight_smile:

Please, downgrade FileZilla to 3.51.0, it will work.