First steps, if your node is offline

These are the in my opinion first steps you should do if you node is offline.

Access your node status page http://lP:28967.
For example:

You should see a status page, something like this:

  "Statuses": null,
  "Help": "To access Storagenode services, please use DRPC protocol!",
  "AllHealthy": true

if you still can’t access the page or if the status pages shows AllHealthy: false
check if the container is running and your logs.

sudo docker ps
sudo docker logs storagenode

First command should show you at least two running containers, storagenode and watchtower.

If you can access the status page, try to access it from your mobile phone with Wifi disabled.

If you see the status page, great! Maybe this was just a hiccup or you have none network problems.

If you can’t see the page, maybe your router NAT capabilities are wonky or your ISP gave you CG-NAT.


or you can use the same port as the node requires, with the node stopped. You want to verify that the specific port can get forwarded, not that some port can get forwarded.

On the other hand, the node already responds on http on that port. so if you can get it to respond locally but not globally – that’s the same culprit. IN other words, there is no need to involve another server when node already hosts one.

Hmmm… that is a great idea! At first I thought that this will needlessly complicate things, but if I instruct them to locally access the dashboard first, it could even catch errors sooner.

I will rewrite this soon.

Hmm… problem is that if the user followed the docs, the dashboard is only available on localhost.

So I guess it is still simpler to start Docker than to change the STORJ container?

Not the dashboard, the actual node port. It responds over http with this.

  "Statuses": null,
  "Help": "To access Storagenode services, please use DRPC protocol!",
  "AllHealthy": true

Right, I completely forgot that! Thanks!

And it is even on the same port :wink:

Yeah and it should also give an additional health indicator. Though unfortunately on nodes that didn’t “forget” satellites that were decommissioned that AllHealthy indicator displays “false”.


hope it is foolproof now