Not sure what to do with this one.
2021-03-14T17:31:51.872Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tc
p: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:87
2021-03-14T17:31:51.872Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial t
cp: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:8
2021-03-14T17:31:51.872Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE"}
2021-03-14T17:31:51.872Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs"}
2021-03-14T17:31:51.872Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial t
cp: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:8
2021-03-14T17:31:51.873Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6"}
2021-03-14T17:31:51.873Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial t
cp: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:8
2021-03-14T17:31:51.874Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB"}
Error: piecestore monitor: error verifying location and/or readability of storage directory: content of file is not a valid node ID:
2021-03-14T17:31:58.566Z INFO Operator email {"Address": "xxx"}
2021-03-14T17:31:58.567Z INFO Operator wallet {"Address": "xxx"}
2021-03-14T17:32:00.213Z INFO Telemetry enabled {"instance ID": "xxx"}
2021-03-14T17:32:00.278Z INFO db.migration Database Version {"version": 51}
2021-03-14T17:32:01.956Z INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites' system clock.
2021-03-14T17:32:02.858Z INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites' system clock.
2021-03-14T17:32:02.858Z INFO Node xxx started
2021-03-14T17:32:02.858Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
2021-03-14T17:32:02.858Z INFO Public server started on [::]:7777
2021-03-14T17:32:02.858Z INFO Private server started on
2021-03-14T17:32:02.859Z INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {"after": "4h49m22.102804469s"}
2021-03-14T17:32:02.859Z INFO failed to sufficiently increase receive buffer size (was: 224 kiB, wanted: 2048 kiB, got: 448 kiB). See for details.
2021-03-14T17:32:02.861Z ERROR services unexpected shutdown of a runner {"name": "piecestore:monitor", "error": "piecestore monitor: error verifying location and/or readability of storage directory: content of file is not a valid node ID: ", "errorVerbose": "piecestore mon
itor: error verifying location and/or readability of storage directory: content of file is not a valid node ID: \n\*Service).Run.func1.1:131\n\*Cycle).Run:92\n\*Service).Run.func1:128\n\tgola*Group).Go.func1:57"}
2021-03-14T17:32:02.861Z ERROR gracefulexit:chore error retrieving satellites. {"error": "satellitesdb error: context canceled", "errorVerbose": "satellitesdb error: context canceled\n\*satellitesDB).ListGracefulExits:100\n\tstor*service).ListPendingExits:89\n\*Chore).Run.func1:53\n\*Cycle).Run:92\n\*Chore).Run:50\n\*Group).Run.func2.1:
2021-03-14T17:32:02.862Z ERROR piecestore:cache error during init space usage db: {"error": "piece space used error: context canceled", "errorVerbose": "piece space used error: context canceled\n\*pieceSpaceUsedDB).Init:73\n
2021-03-14T17:32:02.862Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "12tRQrMTWUWwzwGh18i7Fqs67kmdhH9t6aToeiwbo5mfS2rUmo", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tc
p: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:87
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z ERROR nodestats:cache Get pricing-model/join date failed {"error": "context canceled"}
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial t
cp: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:8
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z ERROR contact:service ping satellite failed {"Satellite ID": "121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6", "attempts": 1, "error": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial tcp: operation was canceled", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite error: rpc: dial t
cp: operation was canceled\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\*Pool).Get:8
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "12tRQrMTWUWwzwGh18i7Fqs67kmdhH9t6aToeiwbo5mfS2rUmo"}
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "12rfG3sh9NCWiX3ivPjq2HtdLmbqCrvHVEzJubnzFzosMuawymB"}
2021-03-14T17:32:02.863Z INFO contact:service context cancelled {"Satellite ID": "121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6"}