We heard about your project (STORJ) about 3 months ago.
As part of our research and development projects, we are testing various solutions that interest us.
In December we created a STORJ node (well since 3 nodes). This is just to test your solution in a complete way.
We’ve now moved on to testing the solution on the customer side. It’s actually this one we’re more interested in.
For the moment, we’re testing the solution, but we’re impressed by the network’s download and upload speeds. It’s really impressive - the speed is limited by our server and the internet connection we have, so it’s likely to be much faster.
As I said, we’re currently just looking to test the system, but basically we’re interested in knowing if we can set up a hybrid system with a STORJ to reduce overload and improve rendendance with our existing infrastructure. According to our initial research, this is possible it’s in the field of audio video broadcasting.
We’re a very small company, so we know you won’t necessarily give priority support to our request. We simply have some advice for the STORJ project. I’d like to stress that for the time being we’re simply testing your system and the use cases we’re interested in.
We found your @StorjLabs training videos very interesting, we would have liked to find a similar explanation directly with the use of docker and STORJ.
Our advice is to continue producing this type of content, it saves us a lot of time. Update them regularly.
The official documentation is also very useful. We absolutely must continue to offer this kind of documentation and keep improving it and making it more complete.
The 30 days for testing are a bit limited and so is the quantity of data for us, but it’s probably possible to find an arrangement to extend the time in specific cases.
We’ll be continuing our tests over the next few weeks, and this message is also intended as a way of letting you know that we’re very impressed with the service we’re offering.
We have a question for you, to discuss with one of our customers, is it theoretically possible to ensure that data is only hosted in one country, for a specific customer? (this is a question of regulation and law) even though we know that it will pass through other countries and that it is encrypted.
(we thank you for not publishing information about who we are, even though we know it’s possible that you have it )