For some unknown reason my Node became disqualified on stefan-benten satellite. I am not too sure why as all other satellites are OK and I have good Suspension and Audit scores on all other satellites.
This happened back on 4th May and I kind of just put up with it - but now I would ideally like to get this node back communicating with this satellite - is it at all possible ? I do not really want to have to create a new identity and set back up for the sake of 1 satellite - I don’t know why this satellite became so bad as all other satellites are good…
I hope there is a way I can be allowed back to that satellite ?
Thanks - I know the reasons behind disqualification and how it affects the network but I still think it would be good for a second chance - even more so that I have really good stats on all the other satellites.
I am not entirely sure why I had such a bad reputation on that satellite but since May all has been good with the other satellites so that is good but still a little annoying that I am disqualified from that one.
I also note that there is held amount against this satellite - is that now gone forever or is it possible to get it back ?