Getting started with Storj V3 Local Test Network (storj-sim)

The. Command is go install

Also would a cluster of 4 piā€™s be much better?

I do not know, I have no experience in setup of the test network on Raspberry Pis. But I can guess itā€™s possible.

You need to install build tools. For Debian-based:

sudo apt install build-essential

You also need to add the path "$HOME/go/bin" to your $PATH variable:

export PATH=$PATH:"$HOME/go/bin"

Tried and still the same error

Please post the full error with last 5-10 lines of the output from the command.

@Alexey Itā€™s full output was the same error twice

go install
go: no such tool ā€œcompileā€
go: no such tool ā€œcompileā€

Did you install build-essential?

Yes when trying the out put is
sudo apt install build-essential
Reading package listsā€¦ Done
Building dependency treeā€¦ Done
Reading state informationā€¦ Done

build-essential is already the newest version (12.9).

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
docutils-common mypy pylint python3-astroid python3-asttokens
python3-docutils python3-isort python3-jedi python3-lazy-object-proxy
python3-logilab-common python3-mccabe python3-mypy python3-mypy-extensions
python3-parso python3-roman python3-send2trash python3-toml
python3-typed-ast python3-typing-extensions sgml-base xml-core xsel
Use ā€˜sudo apt autoremoveā€™ to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 31 not upgraded.

Seems your Go installation is broken, please Download and install - The Go Programming Language for your platform (if you use Pi, then it should be Linux ARM64).
Please note - their installation should be performed under root.
After installation you should exit from the root shell and continue with storj-up as a normal user.

Now i get this with new installation go: cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode

So set up storj-sim kinda

install the latest stable version of Gateway-ST

go install -race -v
Then i install it but it still says it

I also tried to clone it from git the go install it (locally) but get below error
For gateway st
$ go install main.go


./main.go:46:2: undefined: Config
./main.go:181:24: runCfg.GetAccess undefined (type GatewayFlags has no field or method GetAccess)
./main.go:233:23: flags.GetAccess undefined (type GatewayFlags has no field or method GetAccess)
./main.go:258:29: flags.Client undefined (type *GatewayFlags has no field or method Client)
./main.go:260:11: flags.Client undefined (type *GatewayFlags has no field or method Client)
./main.go:261:28: flags.Client undefined (type *GatewayFlags has no field or method Client)
./main.go:263:11: flags.Client undefined (type *GatewayFlags has no field or method Client)
./main.go:264:28: flags.Client undefined (type *GatewayFlags has no field or method Client)
./main.go:331:27: setupCfg.Access undefined (type GatewayFlags has no field or method Access)

I see you returned back to the storj-sim. Ok.
Please follow this instruction: Test network Ā· storj/storj Wiki Ā· GitHub
But please, do not skip steps and do not jump from one command to another. If you would follow the guide - you should have a working storj-sim.
I would recommend to use 1.17.11 Go version.

I have followed all instructions except go 17 mine is 1.18 i will try to downgrade it

Now i have go1.17.11 and still get same install gateway issue

I also tried go 1.17 and that worked for the make install-sim but when it execute the next command i get bash: storj-sim: command not found

Because you skipped this step:

This will install the storj-sim satellite storage node gateway and uplink binaries to wherever Go is configured to output binaries on your system. By default, this is $HOME/go/bin . If this location is not in your $PATH add it by running export PATH="$HOME/go/bin:$PATH".

Please do it

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Ok thanks just did now storj-up is working to so i am using it
But when it run storj-up credentials command it loop with this
#Server is not yet available. Retry in 1 secā€¦ rpc: dial tcp [::1]:7777: connect: connection refused

To install GatewayST if you do not want to install storj-sim:

go install -race -v

See storj/Makefile at cc0518f473b44091f504bf22c787959b0153d9e3 Ā· storj/storj Ā· GitHub

storj-up and storj-sim two different ways to run Storj Test network.
storj-sim uses local binaries, storj-up uses docker containers. You usually need only one of these methods.

Do you want to setup storj-up too?