Graceful exit finished

Hi guys, just sharing my first GE on my oldest node:
It took 9 days to gracefully exit 3TB data on 4 satellites.
I believe the other satellites were not successful because they were less than 6 months old.


common man
you could earn like 5 dollars a month
all you have to do is 20 things and stuff
lambo soon


his other nodes might still be running.

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They are :slight_smile: and just got expanded adding 10TB more :smiley:

A RPI 3B+ just wasn’t efficient enough. In the meanwhile I got 3 HP Microservers and 2 Synologys :smiley:


Got a bunch of old gen8 (celerons and xeons) and they are performing pretty well.
What are the specs of yours?

Pretty basic ones.
I have 1 of each:
N36L, N40L and N54L.
The most spec´ed one has 8GB memory and that is it :slight_smile:

More than enough for storj nodes. :+1:

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Was there a specific reason you chose to GE instead of migrating the identity + data to the new server? This would have let you skip both the vetting period, as well as skip months of high repair escrow.

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There was. I had 2 nodes under the same IP and both full. Didn’t want to add a third.
So GEd one of them, slowest one, and expanded the other one.
So I just keep one, but bigger and more efficient.

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