Graceful exit or shutdown

I would like to shut dow the storage node for a while.
How to do that, graceful exit or I can just shut it down if I don’t want to have held amount payed?

Will it be possible for me to set up node later again if I decide?

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You could just shut it down and waive the held payment. It is recommended to do the graceful exit, so that the data can be backed up to other nodes.


Hello @pauliv,
Welcome back!

It’s up on you, you may shutdown it or call a graceful exit (in the latter case you need to keep it online for the next 30 days though).
You can setup a new node anytime later following the guide, i.e. generate a new identity, sign it with a new authorization token and start with a clean storage.

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Hiya Pauliv - I comes down to the amount of time you plan to take it offline. I’d say if it’s more than 3 weeks, you should do graceful exit right now. If now, shut it down in the last possible minute, and you can bring it online again later, with a hit to reputability for a month afterwards.