Graceful exit Saltlake seems not working

I exited from saltlake about 3 weeks ago. Today I’m stuck at 0% progress.
Domain Name Node ID Percent Complete Successful Completion Receipt 1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE 0.00% N N/A

Any idea? Probably by design cause test satellite? Just untrust and bye bye?

You’ve entered a graceful exit command in the terminal, right?
In that case, the output is not interactive. Meaning you enter the command, the process prints once to the terminal window, but this never gets updated. You have to check the logs for the completion of the graceful exit.

I used “docker exec -it storagenode001 /app/storagenode exit-satellite…etc…” for exit command and exit-status for status

We changed the Graceful Exit a while ago, it will not update the progress during the next 30 days. After 30 days online it would be either 100% or disqualified (if your node failed to be online and has the online score less than 80%), see

Totally missed this update. Thanks