Grafana and windows

Hey I don’t know if anyone asked this question in past but I cannot figure out nor find out anything about how to import data from storj Windows into grafana. Both run on the same windows machine and additionally I have an external node. It would be lovely if all the data could be displayed in one place.

Any help will be appreciated
BTW, First time working with grafana so sorry if I’m asking stupid question

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This thread however is purely about linux. I have no idea how to get that stuff working on windows without using docker.

Will give a look Thanks

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Wow that is a brilliant idea I will try that tomorrow, but do you think the storj exporter will run on it too?

I’m not sure about docker on WSL2 but docker in ubuntu in virtualbox works just fine. I use it every day.

Hi all,
Im currently using running Prometheus, Grafana and under windows.
you will need to add prometheus and to run as service.

For Prometheus, download windows build from and extract it to a folder. Then download nssm, and run “nssm.exe install prometheus” and input the detail in the windows pop-up:

then add the storj-exporter target by editing prometheus.yml file

- targets: ['localhost:9651']
    instance: 'PC'    

for storj-exporter, make sure you have python3 installed. Download and requirements.txt.
then run in command line: “pip install --no-cache-dir -r /requirements.txt” to install dependencies.
then run again “nssm.exe install storj-exporter” and follow example below:

As for grafana, i think they have windows installer that will install as service. after install you can access grafana dashboard at http://localhost:3000 and begin building the dashboard from json file.


Thanks it worked great

Glad I could help.
i’m not really good writing guide, hopefully someone able to write better guide for running storj-exporter+prometheus+grafana on Windows OS.

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maybe @Skyblockpro1 can write a guide since he got it working :slight_smile: (no pressure)


Already working on it. I will post it in a thread on its own.


It’s working. It have some drawbacks though - it could consume all resources (because Linux is trying to capture as much RAM as possible, even if it’s not used).