Having a hard time getting started on Centos7

I’m trying to install Storj on Centos7 and can’t seem to get it. I’ve never worked with docker before, and that may be part of the problem. I’m seeing this:

docker logs storagenode

2019-07-17T00:37:35.556Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:37:35.557Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:38:36.089Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:38:36.089Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:39:36.641Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:39:36.641Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:40:37.193Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:40:37.193Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:41:37.753Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:41:37.753Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:42:38.307Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:42:38.309Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory
2019-07-17T00:43:38.845Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml
2019-07-17T00:43:38.845Z FATAL file or directory not found error: open identity/identity.cert: no such file or directory

What’s the best way to proceed, or to get logs that may be of more assistance?

Thanks for the help

I guess I should add this

[root@storj terrymason]# locate identity.cert
[root@storj terrymason]#

Hello and welcome!

Sounds like its not pointed to the correct directory. What is the exact docker run command are you running?

Check your --mount source for the /app/identity in the docker run command

You were right - I was pointed to the wrong directory.

Could you share your docker parameters pls? What’s the right directory? Thanks

HI Alexey, I have similar issue, what’s the right mount source? Thanks.

Depends on where is you created it.
The identity binary will generate an identity in the default path for Linux: https://documentation.storj.io/dependencies/identity, if you didn’t change the path and didn’t move it.
Your storage is where you want to specify it.
For example, if you used the default path for the identity, and /mnt/storagenode as your mount point for the new HDD (if it is blank, you should made partitions on it and create a filesystem on it). In this example the --mount parameter for your node will be:

--mount type=bind,source=/home/hufh/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode,destination=/app/identity \
--mount type=bind,source=/mnt/storagenode,destination=/app/config \

Please, show the result of this command:

df -h

Thanks, the issue has been resolved after upgrading docker.