Held amount and nothing paid so far

Hi there, just wanted to ask, I can see my earning and there’s some held amount also but I got nothing paid so far. I just joined in April and no payments received. Maybe (probably) I did something wrong?


How much is shown on the dashboard payout-information page as ‘Undistributed payout’?

Are you configured for L1 payouts or zksync?

it shows only $1.24 in undistributed payouts.

not sure what I have configured but I just joined Metamask and added this wallet address to my node

If I remember correctly then you won’t be paid till the amount of payment >= 4x of the transaction fee.


right, so best thing is to wait and leave funds to pileup

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Or you can configure Zksync for a minimal payout node:


I tried that and added line in operator.wallet-features and after that I couldn’t start my services anymore so I had to remove it from config file

That means your added line was incorrectly formatted. Stopping the node from starting.

I see, do I need to use brackets or what’s correct syntax so?

If you can show what you changed, in the context of your node then we can check it and provide any changes required.

I’ve added to this line:

operator wallet features

operator.wallet-features: 0x…

You have a windows node…?

The post @MarviBiene linked to is very helpful:

Your line does not conform to any of the examples listed. 0x… should not be involved with wallet-features.

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I do have windows node. My mistake was adding wallet address and I had to add this insead:

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Yes, that’s correct.

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thanks everyone, it’s working now and I have that green opt also

You’ll receive the undistributed amount with the next payout

that’s nice thank you. Is there an option to set minimum payout somehow?

“Held back” is not the same as “undistributed payout”. 50% of the “Held back” will be paid after 15 month. The OP used the wrong term in the title.


this is what I can see