Held amount not OK

yeah i would agree with @Stob tho when the payout is completed it is my understanding that it should be the same amount that was paid out… before payment its an estimate… which is also true for earnings.py

another thing to note is that your node is very new so vetting was completed recently and i do believe that each satellite vet’s individually, thus they will not all start counting the same at the same time, which might not be factored into the calculations…

there might also be some sort of limitation on how accurate this stuff can be… i duno…
give it a few months and keep an eye on it and see if it is a real problem or just some sort of artifact.

there are people going through this stuff with a fine tooth comb and from what i understand in most cases it will add up very accurately.

there was also something with the latest payout, where the conversion ratio was off by 10% i think…
10% is what your deviation seems to be… so maybe thats the cause…