I spent quite some time checking payout and numbers for the last 9 months and for all my nodes and held amount is never OK.
Below an extract for one of my node and satellite stefan-benten
(source script python earnings.py v9.4.0)
If held amount is coherent, can someone explain - thanks.
Especially the third point was an adjustment that was executed on the satellite side and you will have a hard time to get exactly the same result on the client side (earning.py)
I wrote the normal amount and surge amount but didnt count both in the total, obviously…
Second post is showing the incoherence in another way. The amount held in march cannot be superior to the total amount held in april.
Just some additional explanation of why this discrepancy could occur. Unlike the web dashboard, the earnings.py script tries to display the nodes own information where it can. This is intentional, so it can be used to verify the numbers the node gets back from the satellite. So the calculation of held amount in the month you’re looking at is based on its own book keeping. However, the held amount totals are based on what the satellite reports. They include the total held amount up until the start of the month. Satellite side adjustments as well as payouts that were shifted into a different month would impact when things were paid out or held, but the node isn’t aware of that so its own book keeping is no longer in line. For what it’s worth, the results have been very consistent on both ends in recent months. Nothing more than rounding errors in my experience.
You definitely made me double check and look at the code though. Can’t hurt to make sure I didn’t make a mistake somewhere, but it doesn’t look like it.
just noticed my held amount on the recent payout is also off…
i’m at 25% held amount… so the numbers doesn’t make sense…
pretty sure i got paid based on these numbers also… so i’m getting 33% held instead of 25%
As @eha78 already said, the held amount is defined per satellite. Please check the individual satellites to see if those numbers match or check the table below the summary for your node age per satellite.
hi all,
checking the held amount from my excel tracker vs node dashboard/earnings.py, and I find discrepancies I cannot explain (I looked for it on the forum, no luck though). Figures below:
node started end August, revenue=0.07, paid=0.02, held 75%=0.05 (rounded)
September, revenue=0.88, paid=0.22. held 75%=0.66 (sum of held=0.71)
October, revenue=2.31, paid=0.58, held 75%=1.72 (sum of held=2.44)
Both node dashboard and earnings.py display held amount of 1.50.
Is it a bug or is there something I did not understand in the held amount calculation?
Thanks for shedding some light here and apologies if this topic was answered already somewhere else…
yeah i would agree with @Stob tho when the payout is completed it is my understanding that it should be the same amount that was paid out… before payment its an estimate… which is also true for earnings.py
another thing to note is that your node is very new so vetting was completed recently and i do believe that each satellite vet’s individually, thus they will not all start counting the same at the same time, which might not be factored into the calculations…
there might also be some sort of limitation on how accurate this stuff can be… i duno…
give it a few months and keep an eye on it and see if it is a real problem or just some sort of artifact.
there are people going through this stuff with a fine tooth comb and from what i understand in most cases it will add up very accurately.
there was also something with the latest payout, where the conversion ratio was off by 10% i think…
10% is what your deviation seems to be… so maybe thats the cause…
thanks @SGC for picking up the topic. What I don’t get in the “held amount” topic, is where figures come from. But it even goes beyond the “held” amount.
Still in the same conditions as exposed in my former post, I cannot either see the volumes as the were reported on daily basis/monthly summary.
What I was seeing at time of operation:
October: egress 0.00 payout 0.00 + 1.08 (storage) = 1.08, held 0.81
—> OK, believe I understand now: maybe consolidated figures for October are not complete yet? and egress values still need to be confirmed by each satellite to be properly displayed in the dashboard.
I will keep you further posted, when situation evolves
you got 0 egress recorded for October, that seems wrong no matter the state of the payout processing / estimates and what not… sorry that wasn’t clear from your earlier post.
i think we should have somebody run a diagnostic on your node…
forum looks pretty dead right now… might have to wait until tomorrow, @Alexey is in russia i believe so maybe he will be able to take a peak at it, else maybe @littleskunk… but i’m sure there are some storjlings around tomorrow… right now it’s daytime in the pacific or so… pretty dead here…
the quickest way to get it checked out is most likely to make a separate topic about it, there is this solution marking system, so that when people pose a problem it can get more attention and then be marked as solved … so posting the problem on this thread, tho very cohesive isn’t really working in your favor.
so yeah try making a new topic about the issue and i bet somebody will pick it up soon… if alexey or littleskunk are out for the night…
not sure it’s urgent tho… whatever damage that could happen has most likely happened, but i duno… just a very rough guestimate, so better to react i guess than leave it to simmer…
but there is a good chance it might not be picked up before tomorrow in…
on second thought tho it might be that orders error… you should go check this stuff
and if you are affected by this error then you might be able to follow the procedure on this thread…
i wasn’t affected by it, so didn’t really have to go through that, so can’t really help with that… and if you are affected, the damage is already done, but i believe it’s mentioned somewhere that one will need to fix the orders error for the node to operate correctly.
and in regard to compensation… i really don’t know… not sure if storj can do much about it really… but who knows… maybe just be happy that it was a few dollars then…
and hope for the best… anyways, best i can do for you…