How many people here (SNO's) would contribute to a community satellite

It’s a config change. Example…

if true, uses peer ca whitelist checking

server.use-peer-ca-whitelist: false

list of trust sources,

server address to check its version against


Interval to check the version

version.check-interval: 5m0s

The first config will disable the signed indentity. Yes you don’t need to sign your identify for the test network. If you have a signed identity you still need to add this config change because otherwise your node will refuse to talk to a satellite that can also not provide a signed idenity. The identity signature check works in both directions. This config change will disable it.

The second config will tell your storage node to trust the QA satellite. The QA satellite is currently behaving like production. We have full control over the config. Feel free to request any config change you want us to try out.

The third config will tell your storage node updater to install pre-release binaries early. On my system I am running a test node inclusive updater as systemd service. With this config, the test node will follow its own rollout cycle. If you are running a docker node please also add that config even if it currently doesn’t affect the docker rollout.

The fourth config will reduce the update interval from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. If there is a problem it is a bit painful to wait 15 minutes.

Info taken from - Please join our public test network