¿How many time taked you to fill up your node?

I have currently 3 nodes.

1 with 2,4TB that reached now 10 months (we’ll call it NODE A),another with 2,4TB too(we’ll call it node B) that is in his 9 month,and another with 5tb (we’ll call it node C) that has reached 7 month now.

the node A and B are in a (rasbpi4) in the same network.

the node B is in another conexion with another rasbpi4 at a house 130km away with a different IP (more than /24)

the first node that I connected (A) take 1 month more or less to get full of data,but the other 2 (B,C) are taking ages to fill.

the B node is now 98gb away to get filled,but taked 9 months to reach this level.

the C node is now reaching half capacity(2,14TB the last time I saw it) after 7 months

¿did your nodes take THAT LONG to fill up?

maybe is my geografical location,I’m in spain

The factors that matter:
When you started the node (date - as demand varies)
How large your node is
For multiple nodes are they are different IPs (separated by more than /24)
Node up time

My first node 9TB started December 2019 - filled in less than 6 months
My second node 13TB started May 2020 - 5 TB in 6 months
My third node 13TB started January 2021 - 100GB in 1 month


¿are they in separate IP’s or in the same?

Mi nodo tiene 4 meses y poco y mira como va.


Yo creo que hay demasiados SNO para los usuarios que tiene Storj.
Estoy pensando en quitarlo porque me sale mas cara la luz que lo que consigo, y si me compro una rasbpi4 no gastaría nada pero hasta que recupere la inversión va a pasar mas de un año. Porque tu cuanto sacas con el nodo A?

I use one Public IP for all of my miners including the Storj node which is the public IP my ISP provides and is natt’ed by a firewall… The three nodes are three different HDDs on the one Storj machine I have which has only one internal LAN ip.

el nodo a produce unos 11-12$ al mes (sin contar las retenciones).

Puede que sea un asunto de que sobran SNO en españa

Que discos usas? pasa si puedes link.

los dos de 3tb son muy antiguos,probablemente descatalogados a dia de hoy.
son una hitachi de 5400rpm

el otro de 6tb es este: