How much should I set in "STORAGE"?

I’ve been running 2 nodes for almost 2 months now. One node is a 1TB hard drive (df -H says it is 916GB) and the other is a 4TB hard drive (df -H saying it has 3667GB). Both nodes have STORAGE set to the amount, ie 1TB and 4TB. But I’ve read that you should allocate some space for trash, and I’m not sure how much. Could someone pleaser tell me how much to allocate?

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there is my setup

1TB HDD = 830GB storage
4TB HDD= 3400GB storage

when the node is full you can check df -H and allocate more storage

One my node with 4TB HDD
df -H


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1TB node set storage to 0.9TB
4TB node set storage to 3.6TB

Thanks, because you’ve backed it up, I’ll use this one. Can you share a ratio you’re using for your drives?

currently used 13% for trash
I still have free space, as soon as there is no free space on the other disks, I will start setting the ration to 10% for trash
Storj recommends 10% but I can’t find it on right now

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Try df --si to get actual GB units instead of GiB. Set it to 90% of that. 900GB should be fine on a 1TB disk. The difference is in the units using 1000 vs 1024 base. Storj follows SI standards and uses 1000.


Should I use df—si-BG to make the output in Gb?

Just df --si should do it. What output do you get? I just noticed you already used -H which should already output SI standard values.

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It says 4.0T. I’m not sure what to do.

You set 3600GB or 3.6TB.

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And for the 1TB one, 900GB?

Yep. HDD manufacturers also use the SI standard units. So the size shown in most OS’s (which is technically GiB/TiB, but displayed as GB/TB) is just a red herring here. You ACTUALLY have 1TB on a 1TB HDD. It’s just that that is I believe around 931GiB, which is what you usually see in the OS, but displayed with the wrong unit.

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There is a little lifehack - use free space value from df -h (without --si or -H), but specify it with SI units in the storagenode configuration, i.e. GB/TB. It will be roughly with 10% free of the actual free disk space.

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