How the network works

I have been a software engineer for the the last 20 years. In alpha testing we do internal testing with our scenarios, in beta we allows potential customers to run their operations and very often we are surprised, no big deal we learn and correct. The Storj alpha phase was clean, the beta is just a continuation of alpha. Bring real customers and let them test it in real operational condition. I don’t have a clue of what your customer base is. Is it 25GB/month or a few PB/day users but they are the one one to test system before it goes in production. If Storj is planning production in early 2020 its time to bring in the customers to do the testing.

Apologies, if this was unclear, but I’m just an active SNO and community member. I’m not affiliated with Storj. So it’s not my customer base.
It’s been mentioned that they are working towards announcing more about the customer base though.

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Yes you are an an SNO like me and that’s why I rather talk to you than a Stojling claiming transparency after shutting down a really transparent site like storjnet.
We are on the Storj forum, if the Storj staff want to read an think about our discussion they are welcome. I can be very critical at time but its to improve the system.

Well storjnet is a different issue. They didn’t specifically shut them down. It relied on exposed data that was a privacy issue for SNOs. After that it could still do some things, but not everything. The final nail in the coffin was a side effect of no longer needing kademlia. Removing kademlia from the network got rid of a lot of compute and networking overhead, but it also meant that only white listed satellites get to know about nodes on the network. It was never about shutting down something that was useful to SNOs. That was just an unfortunate side effect. And I believe they’re working on providing similar stats through other ways.