How the network works

Yes I meant Stardigate. Sorry about that I’m not a customer.

Just to avoid further confusion


I’ll try to remember that. Now hat about opening the beta to worst case scenario?

Thanks @ BrightSilence With an S it sound even better:smiley:

I moved this discussion to a separate thread, because it’s not related to the initial thread anymore

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Good idea. What about some answers?

What question is not answered?

3 posts were split to a new topic: How to determine who is Storj staff?

How the network works?
Is it a very smart DNS redirecting all input/outputs to thousands of SNOs or is it a filter processing all the trafic between customers and SNOs, both technics have plus and minus, but to me its pretty unclear what scheme you’re following.

Neither first nor the second.
All I/o are performed directly between customer’s uplink and storagenodes.
The satellite is an address book, payment processor (billing for customers and payouts for SNOs), auditor and the repair service.

Customers can run their own satellite and invite SNOs to add it to their whitelist or get a Tardigrade mark with high SLA and being able to added to whitelist automatically.
You can read this blog post for details:

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I see my previous attempt at answering that didn’t stick. There is a lot of info out there that goes into more detail about this. I think this blog post is a good start.

Depending on how serious you are about wanting to know more, I can recommend the white paper as well. This is obviously a long read, but it’s a treasure trove of information.


After 10 minutes I’m at page 40 of a 90 pages 733KB pdf document, lets hope its stored on a raspberry 2 server rather than on Storjs servers. On paper the ideas can look very good. In the actual world its another question that’s why I would like to test it in real and a 25GB/month trial version on Tardigate is useless.

btw 30 minutes later its still downloading. :smile:

I’m not sure what that’s about, but for me it downloads pretty much instantly, so it must be something on your end. Try downloading the file by right clicking and saving first if opening in a reader is the problem.

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Clear your cache and try again its pathetic.

To humor you, I downloaded it on my phone… on a 3g connection. And it’s an instant download. It’s not in cache, there is something going on on your end. It’s a tiny file, it shouldn’t take any time to download at all.

If you have doubts about how/if we implemented the code as described in the whitepaper, we invite you to check out our open source repositories on GitHub

whitepaper downloaded in seconds for me btw

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I have a 8 core 16 thread 32 GB memory running on on a 1TB nvme SSD and it take forever.

Yes if I download it instated of clicking it it work very well but that’s not how the web is suppose to work.

That’s why I want to test it. I want to have me and another few thousands users test Tardigrade in real condition without any guaranty to keep the data safe rather then doing minimal testing before putting in production where the law suits for data loss can ruin this startup very quickly.

Whoa dude, you’re conflating things that have nothing to do with each other. Since this pdf existed prior to the v3 network existing, I’m fairly certain this pdf is not hosted on the storj network. You yourself saw that it’s not a problem with network speed at all, so it’s likely just some weird inefficiency in the pdf reader you were using. If this is how you test and assign blame, you’re going to find problems with anything you ever test as you’re basically just assigning blame to anything outside of your reach.

There have been a few responses to your questions about how they are growing the network already and why it’s not possible to just on board everyone at the same time. It is required to do it in a balanced way especially early on.

That said, Storjlabs has done extensive stress testing themselves and reported on the real world results. Here is just one recent blog post with their results and there have been more.

Lets try to keep things constructive. Take responses from people who take the time to inform you to heart instead of asking the same thing again somewhere else. I’m sure that when you receive your developer invite you will be able to do extensive testing yourself too. But the network is still in beta and growing, you can’t expect everything at once.