How to determine who is Storj staff?

Alexey you are a Storjling but from what I understood from others treads you can be a Storj staff member, a contractor or a consultant. As Jocelyn talk about transparency maybe you should post your real status. Just a suggestion so at least we know with who we are talking with.

I’m community leader, contractor and moderator. You can treat me as Storj staff.
This is easy to see by the Storj icon at the corner of my avatar.
The shield behind my nickname is telling that I’m a moderator.


I see a staff member as someone hired by Storj who will have to look for a new job if the company goes under a contractor as someone who will be reassigned if the customer goes under a small difference which has its importance.

Hi @lex-1 Alexey is highly valued and knowledgeable. I want to be sure this conversation remains at a level that respects his personal comfort zone. I think his transparent and concise answer says it all. You may rely on his expertise in seeking answers or help.