How to add more Satellites

Hello there,
i´m new in V3 and my Storagenode runs since one Month.
So i want to know if it gives more than this 4 “STANDART” Satellites and if i can add them or if the node do this automatically?

I’m fairly new Storj myself.

I’m not sure if there exists documentation on the overall network architecture. However, the website has been rather useful. It lists four satellite nodes. I’m not sure if that’s a complete list of official satellite nodes. Your publicly available node stats can be viewed on that site by pre-appending an @ sign to your node ID.

For example:

shows the satellite node in Germany.

As of now only these 4 satellites are available but future versions would support picking which satellites you want to work with. Also you may run your own satellite :soon:

Will this feature has a required minimum Internet available bandwidth? Be available to a particular subset of current operators? Require a minimum purchase of Storj tokens (POS)?

All will be revealed in due time. There are other priorities that need to be addressed first :slight_smile:

I really don’t enjoy being in the dark. I like the concept of Storj. The storagenode program runs fine. However, there are significant issues in communicating to the node operator community in a clear, concise, and complete way.

My guess is, if the network switches over from POW to POS, that’s going to price out many of the current node operators. It’d be nice to have a heads up on if POS is the future of the network and what the minimum buy in will be.

Thank´s for your Answer, and sorry for my bad English.

Is it possible to choose how much Data i want to recive from which Satellite?

No. If you have any good ideas you want to share do use You can also upvote any ideas you like while you are there

OK thanks,
my node located in Bavaria,Germany so is it normal that i don´t recive (or in KB) Data from US-Satellites?

STORJ isn’t mining. Please read the whitepaper Storj Whitepaper V3

Also more reading material can be found at Storj Blog

Storj is very much transparent in every thing they do. They have townhall meetings that show audit reports too.

FYI I am just another SNO.

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As a newbie around here, I find it a little difficult to figure out exactly what’s going on using the resources presented up front. The node operator community seems quite ready to help anyone asking questions, and is generally quite friendly. No problem there at all.

However, at first, there’s a lot of clicking on random links to find out what’s happening with the running node. A lot of, “OK… so what does this mean over here?” … and “Why does everyone else seem to have some neat graphical interface that I don’t have at all?”

All this requires significant time investment in general discovery of what longer term operators already know. Unfortunately, the information required to understand what’s going on is spread out over several online resources… and some of it is missing altogether.

The requirement to add a second port option on the docker command line for a local web interface was unclear from the primary instructions. And, if I recall, the actual option was listed in two different ways and one was incorrect. This may seem like nitpicking, but it’s very confusing for newbies. And results in unnecessary downtime… shutting down a running node… changing the options… accidentally deleting data… and many other newbie errors. Many of these errors could be eliminated through clear, concise, and complete … and timely updated… instructions on the official documentation page.

I also asked a question about what seemed to be a random unauthorized node trying to contact my own… and then got the answer that this “random” node is the ID of the probe. Again, this is important information for node operators who are quite likely opening up their LAN to Internet attacks from unknown sources using unknown attack vectors.

Sorry for the rant. It’s not directed at you… and not directed at any party in particular. I understand that the network and software are in flux, and updates are documented as best as possible.

However, there is definitely a steep newbie learning curve… which could be made easier.

You don’t have to apologize for putting forth the difficulties you are facing as a newbie. I was a newbie once and have spent (and still do) lot of time on the forum and read up on various articles. I :heart: that you were very professional in all of your posts too.

A group of SNOs came together to implement that interface which can be accessed here: Visual Dashboard - Grafana Mon: 24hr Docker log > Telegraf > InfluxDB

I am a bit lost here as I could clearly see the option to add is already there in the docker run example given in support docs. If I misread what you said please do elaborate it further.

This is bound to happen at start as Storj is still in beta. I am guessing you did Burstcoin before and/or GPU/ASIC mining. Nothing is easy peasy at first. You have to find the sweet spot when you overclock and make it all work.

The production release won’t have docker so you won’t have to worry about docker issues :slight_smile:

You can always ask by making a post of which ports are supposed to be open for Storj and you will get prompt reply from other SNOs and most importantly support staff who are beyond great.

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I suppose my memory was shaded a bit…

This particular quoted method of opting for a web interface, results in opening up a locally accessible port. However, the most likely scenario is running a headless storagenode on a separate host on one’s LAN. So, the inclusion of the localhost IP address does not open the host’s port for connection via other internal LAN hosts.

I found the instructions unclear on this point.

I haven’t checked to see if they have been revised to something like:

"-p 14002:14002" to allow the web interface to be accessible from all hosts on your LAN
"-p" to only allow the web interface from the host that is running your storage node docker container.

This is good news for me! I always avoided docker, preferring instead to manage my own filesystem and libraries. But… I was just starting to get used to it… and maybe even not minding it so much…