Hi all: I’ve already searched all the forum posts I can find on this topic.
I’ve initiated graceful exit already, 3 of 5 satellites already completed, but saltlake was the largest so is moving slow. I have reason to believe the settings changes I made in config.yaml are not being read by the node (docker on Linux). How can I check the settings that the node is currently running on?
For example, I have the following line in config.yaml
graceful-exit.num-workers: 6
But only 4 satellites showed movement until one got completed.
Of course, this makes me think that the “graceful-exit.num-concurrent-transfers” setting is being ignored also, which I can definitely raise as it’s a brawny server.
Some forum answers have suggested passing the settings as environment variables via the Docker run command, but I didn’t see any examples of how to pass these lower-case, multi-word config.yaml settings that way, only the standard uppercase variable names for WALLET and STORAGE and the like.
Neglected to add: Yes, I’ve stopped the container and used “docker rm” to remove the running image and restarted, many times. It still doesn’t seem to read the config.yaml changes (and I removed the leading # to un-comment).
All parameters before storjlabs/storagenode:latest \ are docker options and if I understand correctly what you’re interested in are parameters after this which are node options, as illustrated in the example above with --log.output for redirecting logs.