How to Host a Website on Storj | AtmoVantage


On a related note I also created a tutorial to show WordPress users how they can backup and restore their website to Storj DCS using the S3-generic option in the Updraft plugin.


Hello @AtmoVantage ,
Welcome to the forum!

Thank you for joining us and publish your use cases!

I would ask to fix some minor misunderstanding - small pieces after split are not duplicated, they are unique by erasure code design, but any 29 of them is enough to reconstruct the file due the “math magic” :slight_smile:
You can read more there about why replication (duplication) is bad:



Thanks for the clarification on the point of duplication, @Alexey! I’ve made the correction to my article accordingly.

I also updated the original tutorial on how to host a website on Storj. In the guide I use the static website generator called Publii, however I was unaware at the time that Publii has built-in support for generic S3 storage connections! I tested it out and it worked flawlessly! So instead of using FileZilla to manually transfer files to update your website you can just click the “Sync your website” button in Publii and the changes are published instantly.

The S3-compatibility of Storj opens so many cool opportunities!