How to see details on my node apart from 14002

Hi, looking fw to see various details like:

  • latency percentiles for first/last byte
  • per-client statistics like Mbit/s percentiles
  • how many concurrent “connections” are being used for uploads/downloads/etc
  • details on failed audits (i have no fails so far)
  • reputation score
  • any statistics so i can improve my node and my observability

You can look at monkit metrics for some of metrics. You will not find most of what you are looking for (e.g., there’s no latency for first byte), but at least there are some insights.

For the number of concurrent connections, you’d first need to define exactly what you need (max over some period of time, average, maybe some other metric?).

First byte latency should be easy to add in code if you’re willing to patch up your binary. You will be breaking T&C though.