How to verify that data is still stored

Q1 How do Storj verify that the data is still available.
Q2 What mechanism storj use to be sure that data has not disappear.
Q3 Is there a way to test it
Q4 Are the proofs stored on the chain.Can the user see them.
Q5 How can the user verify that data is still there

Hello @Tarun786 ,
Start here Audit Verify Process - #2 by Alexey
Please let us know if you have any more questions.


And the storagenode software and stored data has nothing to do with blockchains or Storj token. The token is used just for payments: Storj Inc to SNO, clients to Storj Inc if they choose to.
The token is on Ethereum blockchain, where the records of the payments are. But the stored data has nothing to do with blockchains, the software dosen’t use blockchain technology to store the data on SNOs machines or to verify it.
This missinformation is spread by uninformed publishers, with the shiny title “blockchain storage cloud provider”, confusing readers and making them believe that the data is stored on a blockchain or something.


Basically, if you still have access (your account is not free trial), you will have access. But you also need to have a related encryption phrase, without it all your data is impossible to decrypt.
So, if you lost your encryption phrase, you may consider your data as lost. Yes, it’s still there, but if nobody is able to decrypt (we do not store your encryption phrase anywhere) - it’s a garbage. Yes, you can delete it, but it’s all what you can do with it.
So, please, keep your encryption phrase in a safe place, it’s the only thing which can bring your data back.

80 nodes across the globe for each segment of your file.

no, please refer a white paper:

If the data is corrupted, i.e. ALL redundant pieces for the segment should be corrupted or lost, since they are distributed across the globe, only the global catastrophe can do so. If we would have a global catastrophe, we likely would have much more problems than a lost segment.
In other cases it’s audited regularly and recovering if some pieces are below the minimum repair threshold.
So, basically - you do not need to verify, due to a cryptography it will be either available or lost, nothing in between.

However, you can re-verify your data in an old way:

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