I accidently deleted all data

8W total for both drives?

Not exactly, with both drives connected and the note not running, the wall socked gives +4w.
With the node running, it gives +8W.


Are there by chance 2.5" drives?

They are 2.5" USB drives. They are most likely not the most reliable, but it’s what I had laying arround :slight_smile:

Once I build some experience with the payouts and all, I’ll upgrade to a more reliable setup :slight_smile:

You will find out, full payouts after month 15.
on L1 you wait longer for payout, but may be easyer for cashout.
zksync, you get 3%bonus but may pay bridge fees.
do not use an exchange adress for payouts of the node.

Full payouts are made in 2 wave in the first 15 days of the next month. I always got paid in the first wave, only once in second wave in 3 years. I don’t know how you end up in first or second wave.

I refer to the held amount and Max 25% fees.
New node payout for first year are less than usual.

So it skips some month until payout on L1.

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So far I’m on L1, I don’t really mind waiting for some time to get the payout :slight_smile:

For ZKsync, I still need to figure out how to bridge back to L1 and the associated fee structure. I read that Kraken accepts Eth on ZKsynk Era, so I think the way should be:
Storj → Metamask (ZK), swap from Stroj to Eth on ZK → Kraken (ZK) and then bridge to L1 and sell, but I still need to read about it :slight_smile:

I wasn’t aware of the 3% \0/

THanks for the help

There are post here, they may be outdated when its time to cash out…let it run for some time, then read about it. maybe the deletes hit us until then :nerd_face:

this drive is to 100% SMR tech, maybe it will not bear the full load in this times, consider modifying the max concurrent uploads command, i know not where to find info about this rn, but its here in the forum somewhere.

most likely at a later time, you may expirience the timeout error, watch your log and dashboard close, use uptimerobot at your phone.
consider modifying the run command regarding the time until restart, setting it longer as the cherck interval from uptimerobot, so you get notified for an unexpected restart of the node service. (eg: restart after 17 min, uptime check interval 14 min)
redirect the logs to a file, loglevel error ( or fatal for log only if restart happens. this saves a lot of ios for log) .

Just restart with new node. And I don’t know what your home lab is, but my 12TB used space node isn’t covering bills at all. I mean I would save if I would turn on lab only when I use it and not 24h/d. Tip - I noticed that server with idle disks use 20W less power than running storj :stuck_out_tongue:


My ‘homelab’ is quite frugal, it draws less than 40w, so:

→ Cost: 0.04kw/h24h365days0.16€/kwh=56€ per year.
→ Storj: 4TB filled node for 12 months, no egress: 4
1.5*12=72$, if we assume that 20% will be lost in fees and all, it gives 58$=52€

So basically it covers all the cost once the node is full and after the held back period. Even if it doesn’t cover everything, it’s always a plus :slight_smile:


My rule-of-thumb is that a drive isn’t paying its ongoing costs until it holds at least 2TB of data. And no drive should be smaller than 8TB (as kind of a guaranteed minimum payment when full)

Of course I hope one day every drive will be 22TB, and full: a man can dream! :money_mouth_face: