I am running my node v1.108.3 in docker and want to configure the disk space by config.yaml

I am running my node v1.108.3 in docker and want to configure the disk space by config.yaml

But it still ignores it and takes the harcoded version

And yes, in my docker run command I have excluded it

# -e STORAGE="1TB" \

What am I doing wrong?

Have you tried without the space? Like 1.50TB?

You need the parameter in the run command too. If there is none, it will ignore the config one. You can put just the empty quotes in run command, and it will take the config one. I stumbled upon this problem too, a few months back.


Thanks, with the space is default, but yes with or without it does not work…

Wow, thank you! :ok_hand:
What stupid logic, I thought if it wasn´t set it would be taked from the config file :sweat_smile:

Environment variables having higher priority than config file. For some reason storj devs set this one in the docker file to 2TB.

ENV ADDRESS="" \ EMAIL="" \ WALLET="" \ STORAGE="2.0TB" \ SETUP="false" \ AUTO_UPDATE="true" \ LOG_LEVEL=""