hello, who can help me with installing 1 my free drive for funny?
im tired from storj
all turorials is very very very bad,
no discord (all coins got it)
no chat
no video tutorials!!!
im tried install on linux storj and no working
where is problem with make tutorial?
i was wait almost 2years for V2, V3 site in emails!!! you sent me for hire betatesters… no emails from STORJ
We are not a coin-for-nothing, we offer a real service for real people, who storing and retrieving data to/from the network. We offer a storage, not coins. So no discord.
The forum can be used as a chat - it’s working in real time. But people are not. Someone will answer on all your questions, but not immediately, just be patient. This word is a description of work of Storage Node Operator
We have a video tutorials:
And for Odroid:
We have a text tutorial as well (if you would follow it step by step you will setup a storagenode): https://documentation.storj.io/
Now to your problem, please, elaborate what do you mean by “no working”? Do you have some errors or is it offline?
hi. Alexex, im tried this video tutorial, on the end of vide is his node still OFFILINE (no forwarding)
but this is guideline for 1NODE, no for 2nd NODE on same site…
im laughing on first video tutorial when tried check all, exists COPY button on the end, omg
We do not offer a TW/etc. support. If SNO is unable to follow guides, then it can have problems in the future and will not be able to recover if something goes wrong. So, it’s better to ask questions and learn a little bit about how to setup your node.
Back to your problem - what you already did and where is stuck?
Well this was an interesting forum thread. I think we can collectively say this thread should be deleted as there is nothing constructive in the body for future users to seek as guidance.
This almost made me laugh, Not sure how it went from asking for help to insults in 200% speed. But yeah this probably should be deleted along with blocking this user because this isn’t a way to ask for help from anyone and probably wont help in the future even if they created a new user.
You need to authorize the identity now with your auth code. You should see 6 files not 4.
Sign up for one here https://registration.storj.io/ then run this command you should just do it in windows then transfer all the files. Linux command
SGC im sorry too, but im i crypto from 2010 and never see this evil between ppl
i like crypto world, mined much coins, im started mined dogecoin and have biggest farm in EU , im pioneer crypto girl
mined with drives burstcoin from 2014 too
i like funny with coins and tutorials,
sry,that im not IT tech girl,but i want to learn