I lost my btc wallet password

I lost my btc wallet password O_0

Hashcat can solve that issue for you.


wouldn’t that take like a zillion years ? :rofl:

Mhhhh, I’d use the $300 Google Compute free money and pack a lot GPUs into one VM :wink:
It’s all a matter of effort :slight_smile:

Password != Seed

Best case he has an encrypted bitcoin core wallet. Depending on the password strength hashcat might be able to break that. It is easier if you know how long your password was and which charset you used.

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It is very very old ugly wallet.aes.json file from blockchain.info
it is so old, that blockchain2john could not parse it :grimacing:

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The answer is still hashcat: https://hashcat.net/forum/archive/index.php?thread-7498.html

(Please check your local law first. Here in Germany it is allowed to install these kind of tools as long as I use them only to break my own wallet. As soon as I would attempt to break your wallet it would be a crime no matter if I manage to break it or not. The pure try is already a crime here. So please check your laws first. In some countries it is illegal to install these tools in the first place even if you want to test the security of your own wallet. You can search for “kali linux legal in [your country]”.)


This is a good way to test my 3090s I wonder how long it will take to figure out mine…
Speed.#1…: 19938.0 MH/s (4.85ms) @ Accel:8 Loops:256 Thr:1024 Vec:1

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Go for it. Just make sure you create the wallet yourself to stay on the legal side of the law. You could start with just 8 digist. That should be easy to break. Then test out what you would need to get a reasonable security for your wallet files. I am protecting mine with a password that has at least 500 chars because I can.

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thank you guys!
looks like blockchain.info v1 wallet.aes.json files doesn’t being cracked at all, nor 288 nor anything else…
it is need to obtain v2

Wrong forum?

I lost a ton of SJCX due to the beta of counterwallet saving my password as an autofill instead of a password.

Always try god, sex, and password, maybe could be that simple?


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