I mistakely deleted all .db files / No used Space in Dashboard

With this you just re-created all databases, so all steps (except backup) was not necessary, you might just use this instruction to recreate all databases: https://support.storj.io/hc/en-us/articles/4403032417044-How-to-fix-database-file-is-not-a-database-error

But the real question is - what databases should be only re-created to keep most of the history?
I thought that these ones should be enough:

But seems I was wrong, we need also to re-create some other database, and I’m now wondering, which one?

@nyancodex have you succeed?

From the list of all databases

Mode                 LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                 -------------         ------ ----
-a----         4/27/2023   7:09 AM       48988160 bandwidth.db
-a----         4/26/2023   7:43 PM         131072 heldamount.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          16384 info.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          24576 notifications.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          32768 orders.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          24576 pieceinfo.db
-a----         4/27/2023   6:32 AM        9383936 piece_expiration.db
-a----         4/27/2023   6:22 AM          24576 piece_spaced_used.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          24576 pricing.db
-a----         4/27/2023   3:41 AM          36864 reputation.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          32768 satellites.db
-a----         4/23/2023   7:15 AM          24576 secret.db
-a----         4/26/2023   7:43 PM         786432 storage_usage.db
-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          20480 used_serial.dB

perhaps only storage_usage.db may be enough to re-create, instead of these ones

-a----         4/11/2023   7:40 PM          24576 pieceinfo.db
-a----         4/27/2023   6:32 AM        9383936 piece_expiration.db
-a----         4/27/2023   6:22 AM          24576 piece_spaced_used.db