Improve disqualification information

Usually it is in reverse. The users of the simplified setup will expect that node will fix all issues themselves, but it’s not true. We could burn a lot of hours to implement an AI, which will detect and fix most of issues. But the simple port forwarding will be a most complicated one, unless we also implement a proxy nodes or integrate a proxy to the existing ones, then we will get worse performance for the customers due to passing traffic via few proxy nodes and this will affect both the Storj native and the S3 protocols. And there would be complains, why the foreign traffic is not paid or change the pricing to do not pay the nodes for the traffic, if they are uses proxy nodes to be able to participate. We tried this in v2.

So, with the easy setup the user either will file the support ticket or ask on the forum instead of trying to fix any issue themselves, also the nodes churn will blow up - because it would be easier to delete the node and install again, then post complains about lost money because they didn’t read warning, that with lost data and/or identity their held amount is lost too.
So no, the simplifying setup will increase the amount of required support, because the core will not change, it will remain complicated as today.

doesn’t needed, it regulates itself.

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