In order to use Nextcloud with Tardigrade, do I need to have a 2G+ RAM server computer and host both Nextcloud server and S3 gateway for Linux?

I was following the Tardigrade S3 Gateway instruction running it on my nextcloud client computer
and then the Autoize Storj Cloud storage via Nextcloud, also on my client computer and at some point I got the impression that I need to execute the instructions on my current Nextcloud RPi3 server instead, but first have it replaced with a raspberry Pi 4.

I don’t want to buy an RPi 4 for nothing, although I do kind of need a new one anyway.
I just want to know for sure I’m not going to buy something for the wrong reason.

Try it with the hosted Gateway MT beta. This way you won’t have to host anything yourself.

If you want to host it yourself, perhaps 1GB of RAM would not be enough for both Nextcloud and Tardigrade S3 Gateway.