I was messing around with my network connection causing it to drop a few times, now my speed has been reduced. How can i ensure my speed gets back up to what it was previously
best regards
I was messing around with my network connection causing it to drop a few times, now my speed has been reduced. How can i ensure my speed gets back up to what it was previously
best regards
see this
Ingress went from about 1TB+ a day to under 200GB a day. Is this normal all of a sudden? There is still 4.48TB of free space left.
Reference this thread, read the first post and then scroll towards the bottom: Updates on Test Data
They were running lots of tests recently. They found some issues and stopped the test data coming in.
Not sure how long you’ve been a SNO, but the ingress rates we were seeing were unprecedented. I’ve been at this since mid-2019, and last month was ~12.3x higher ingress rate/amount than the highest month I had previously seen (which was back in Apr 2020).
I can’t necessarily speak to whether what we’ve been seeing is a new “normal”…but looking at the historical data June 2024 was between 12-250x more ingress than I’ve seen ever for a given month.
Yeah I think taking 2 years to fill a 8TB was normal for most people.
I guess there will be a hard landing for some new SNOs.
And then half of that data will be deleted. This is what happened in the last years… hope things going different in the future! Stay positive