Ingress is low?

Here it is only 500 GB per month right now. 20 months to fill a 10TB disk? :roll_eyes:
We need more customers, customers, customers.


It’s because they stopped uploading data to the network.
Most of the traffic we used to see was coming from europe-north and was used to stress test the network as well as keeping the payouts decent.
My guess is that customers will start to trickle in as the use of tardigrade gets easier and easier.

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Maybe also loss of

I have no idea, however most of the lost traffic is from europe-north so just test data.

woops looks like I was wrong. I was under the impression that it was only for testing.

You were right. We were never able to switch it over sadly, hence the end of support by Storj Labs notice on that website.


So… I’ve just noticed that my nodes don’t receive any significant data. Before I had some GB/day, but now close to nothing. Egress stayed the same. Is it normal then?

Had 9 GB yesterday on 1.13.3

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Sometimes there is more, sometimes there is less.
Now we’re in a “less” period. I think just leave them running and whatever happens happens. :slight_smile:

I believe you, but I just found out that I was running an out-of-date version. Now I get at least a little. As long as there is some traffic I’m not worrying, but if there is none I get suspicious :wink:


I’m on 1.14.4 and I get 7-8 gb a day for a 5 tb node right now

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Since when is 1.14.4 online?

Windows rollout finished yesterday I think, docker updates are probably still going out.

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On 09/10/2020 I received the update (about 95 hours ago). There are no changes for the node operators i think.

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