As there is no any wiki about config.yaml, I desided to write small article information about it to acumulate information to one topic. I will write about rows that I know somehow what are they do, so don’t be shy and add some of your knolege olso.
Lets make it row by row.
preflight.database-check: true
- this row turn on today by default, and it check before node start then your databeses have some level in integrity.
- this row is comented by default and have value localhost:14002, this is the place that you need to configure if you want see dashboard not only on same pc but for example in your local network. Need to delet # mark and put your local PC IP(not external IP) and port. Don’t forget to add inbound rule to firewall on PC.
contact.external-address: *.*.*.*:28967
- this is your external adress and port, here can be DNS and Port if you dont have fixed IP. This is addressand port that Sattelite and client will contact with your node. This port need to be opened on Firewall of router and made NAT rule to node PC. Also open in PC firewal. This port can be changed to some other.
identity.cert-path: C:\Identity8\storagenode\identity.cert
identity.key-path: C:\Identity8\storagenode\identity.key
- this two rown are path to your node identity, if you have more than 1 node on PC as i have, choose this paths very carefuly that you dont use same identity to diferent nodes, it will end with DQ of boath nodes, very soon.
log.output: winfile:///C:\Program Files\Storj8\Storage Node\\storagenode.log
- this is path to file with logs, it can be in any place you want.
this is your email place, if node is suspended or DQ you will be notified by this email.
operator.wallet: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000
this is best option here, this is Ether account where you will receve money for your node.
server.address: :37000
- this is port number on local PC that node will listen for Sattelite and Clients incoming connection. It shold be unic per PC, so if you have more than 1 node, each node have to have own port number. Router NAT shold be configured to PC IP and this port number, Default is 28967, but as I have more than one node here in PC i chosed other. I alway make external port and this port the same number, then it it much esier to mantance it if you have lot of nodes.
- this is port nuber for Node internal use, in windows GUI app it shold be Unic on PC, default is 7778.
storage.allocated-bandwidth: 20 TB
- this option regulates how much trafic you can use in MOnth, but this function is depricated so no use any more.
storage.allocated-disk-space: 3.4 TB
- how much discspade on HDD you allow to use, remeber it Maximum size, shold be 10% less than HDD real size.
storage.path: E:\
- this is path to your sorage HDD
Storage2.Database-Dir: F:\Storj8
- this is path to databases, by default there is no this fieture in config, and databases are on storagenode HDD, but i use separete place for thim on NVMe, node work and respond much faster but it has own risk, if NVMe is dead then node also will be lost.
Filestore.write-buffer-size: 1 MiB
- this is also not default feature, this configure Buffer size in RAM. by default it is 128k so if file peace is 1Mb then it will need to write to it 8 times, but it dedicate this RAM ammount to every ingress piece in download, so if there is intencive ingres, significant RAM ammount will be consumed, Even with 1MiB buffer we will see signifcant reduction of write IOPS
storage2.monitor.minimum-disk-space: 500.0 GB
- this feature is will make posible to use HDD smaller than 500GB, but this small size HDD is not profitable tu use, electrisity will cost more. But if you have spare 500 GB and you plane in future make biger node, you can start from it and then copy data to new node. As you start erlier then more data will get. Oldes is Node more money it make as after 9 months Heald amount will be 0% then earn more.