Installer dependency on windows firewall

Continuing the discussion from How to troubleshoot offline node:

Why does the node require windows firewall? Looks like a bug to me.

If it attempts to punch hole though it for itself as a courtesy for the user — it shall handle absence of the firewall gracefully.

Furthermore, stopped firewall still exists, so the dependencies shall be satisfied. Or does it require firewall service to not only exist but also to be running? It’s definitely excessive and needs to be fixed.

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Last time when we troubleshooting the issue with installation failure it was discovered that it requires presence of the Windows firewall. This Windows has been “optimized” by removing “unneeded” system services. It was resolved when the firewall has been installed back.
The installer just call a system procedures to make firewall rules, but this system procedures are crashed every time, killing the installer.
So, the only needed thing, that these system calls should not kill the installer on their crash. If they would crash also because the firewall is disabled, then it would be the case too, but I didn’t test it.

The simplest solution is to leave a firewall enabled during install.
However, PRs from the Community are very welcome!