Installing second node in same machine/Docker

Sorry for asking noob questions after 3 years of farming storj :innocent:, but I want to install a second node in Docker (Synology) and should I use method 1 or 2?

  1. Stop and remove node 1, stop and remove watchtower, update the images of storagenode/latest and watchtower/latest, install the second node, start node 1 and watchtower.
  2. Just install second node, without stoping and removing anything, because the images are there anyways, and they probably are up-to-date, or they will be in a month or so.
    The watchtower run command has no image names, so it updates all the containers as I understand it, even if I add nodes afterwords? Or I have to restart it to make it see the new nodes?

On qnap when I installed the second node I didn’t have to stop it. Only the image is common

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Perhaps you would need to update the watchtower docker run command to include name of the second node. The first node doesn’t prevent you from running the second one…
However, I would consider to use docker-compose.yaml, since you would have at least three containers now.

How would that benefit me? I don’t know what is composer, I only saw some posts about it.
The watchtower command dosen’t have containers names in it. The NASes only run Storj and it can update all containers that it finds.

Just simpler in my opinion.
To update all images:

docker compose pull

To run all containers:

docker compose up -d

If you changed something, you would again execute only

docker compose up -d

it will automatically detect, which container should be stopped, removed and started again.
And you would have all configuration options in the one file.

However, I’m not sure that Synology has a compose plugin.

You don’t need to stop storagenode1 to install a new one, at less on Linux with docker.