IPv6 full Support again

I agree with @FREDY , this post reminds me of one I did a while ago when I changed my internet operator and I ran out of IPv4 by default to the famous CGNAT -IPv6 oder IPv6Lite

Luckily this operator did let me contract IPv4 paying extra, but I know people who were not allowed to do so and had to put an intermediate proxy in order to bypass that limitation.

It is very likely that many people make a proxy to bypass IPv6 through IPv4, and that is bad for the StorJ network because it increases latency by putting one more point.

Many programs use NAT Hole punching and STUN, even some VPN and blockchain nodes, it would be a good option if StorJ supports that or if there are satellites that forward the traffic (perhaps for free or for commission) to other nodes.

Another point to take into account with the Relays is that if we combine them with UPnP, it would no longer be necessary to open ports in the Router, this could be very helpful for Nodes where they do not have access to the router configuration. I have also seen many posts about people failing to open ports correctly and many end up abandoning the project.

This is my post of July 21 :

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